Left arm feels weak and heavy reddit. I can not tell if the sensation of weakness is real or not.
Left arm feels weak and heavy reddit For instance, someone with In any job interview, one question that often leaves candidates feeling a bit uneasy is being asked about their strengths and weaknesses. I also got an ekg, blood test, and x-ray. Weakness in any part of the body that occurs without an obvious cause could be the result of various underlying health concerns, ranging from mild to serious. So if I can only do 10 reps with the left arm but 15 with the right, I will do my left side first to failure (let's say I get 11) and then I will replicate that with my right arm and stop when I get to 11. Not all patients Symptoms of a blood clot that require immediate attention include squeezing pain in the center of the chest; weakness or numbness of the face, arm or leg; and sudden difficulty spe The warning signs of a stroke include a drooping face, arm weakness and speech difficulties, states the American Heart Association. Nov 13, 2024 · Weakness in both upper arms symptom checker statistics. My left abdominal pain is a little lower than my ribs, maybe near my spleen. The way I describe it is the sensation when you have a really tight sock or shoe on. Anytime I do an arm curl or a chest pressing movement, my arms give out on me before my chest or biceps get tired. It’s not numb, just feels weak. I have no pain or discomfort though. This leg feels stiff/weak/odd/off. Numbness due to those causes will go away in a short time. has anyone else experienced this? can it be a pinched nerve When I started 20mg of Lexapro and started meditating, it went away. Bend that arm into a 90* angle, then straighten it. Mar 11, 2024 · Chest pain or discomfort, usually in the center or the left side of the chest. I posted yesterday asking if tremors are normal and someone suggested taking my pill at the same time each day so I started doing that today. Things also feel heavier on my left as appose to my right, also twitching a lot in my arms, shoulders and upper back at the moment, moved from constant twitching in my legs. I also feel a slight but pretty evident non-muscular discomfort between my rear shoulder and trap muscle. How are you Recent days my left side of my body my arm and leg feel off like I can feel the Nerves in them? Like not achy but a sharp sort of feeling tingly? I had my right eye and right side of my face a bit numb which started it now my face is mostly ok still a little bit numb but not as much. Just that weak feeling. In my left arm - the worse one - it feels like it's just heavier, with more weight attached to it than the other. I am on 0. To a point where if I have to lift or move my legs I wince a bit. On the second day, i just did some regular push ups which resulted in soreness in chest and triceps. The following day I woke up with a really swollen throat, and very minor numb/heavy feeling in my arm, which went away mid day. I have been lifting on and off for around 9 years. If you are stressed or have long periods of anxiety for extended amounts of time, your body is unknowingly in "fight or flight" mode which in turn sends signals to your brain and other parts of your body that eventually start to misfire and cause symptoms like muscle weakness, tingling in hands or feet Experiencing sudden weakness in the left arm can be a concerning symptom, prompting many to seek immediate answers. I have had many stress tests, ECG's, blood tests and echocardiograms done since and they always come back fine. Understanding this culture is key to engaging effectively with the community. Arm fatigue/weakness. But this time, it didn’t, and the feeling last the rest of the day till night time. Ask your cardiologist if someone only feels weak during exercise or using muscles vs at rest, what does it imply for cardio health. Issue was my left lat was giving out on heavy sets, and suddenly my left shoulder started doing the work instead of being where they it was supposed to be. He then had me do unilateral cable pull. I can still move it normally. I'm not the best person to ask, as I'm still quite an amateur, but I think that the idea is that as long as you work them both out equally for the time being, the strength gap should become smaller and smaller between the two arms (as an analogy, imagine two people, age 2 and age 4 -- the older is twice the age of the younger, but 50 years down the road age 52 and 54 are not that different). The ache went away, and then came just like a heavy numbness, that stuck around in my upper left arm, and on the inside if my elbow. Stage two side effects include memory problems, and pain or weakness in The common signs and symptoms of cancer in the spine include pain, muscle weakness, numbness in the legs or arms, general loss of sensation and difficulty walking, according to the The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a widely-used personality assessment tool that categorizes individuals into 16 different personality types. I couldn’t reach for stuff or do anything. It's like I lost some grip strength. but your hands may take a claw like formation and your little and ring finger may feel uncoordinated and painful. My right arm feels the same, but after I left I started feeling weakness on the nerve and right now I feel kind of dizzy and as if I dont have perfect control over my left arm, it feels almost numb. My legs also just feel weak going up stairs now. Like my arm is not moving nicely or smoothly. My arm was on fire. It serves as a timeperiod to differentiate between orthopedic causes as a result of training (muscle, tendon, nerve damage (for example an overstretching during an exercise) and other causes. Dec 25, 2023 · If you experience sudden numbness or weakness in your left arm that is associated with difficulty speaking, confusion, or loss of coordination, you should seek medical help immediately. Stand straight up, put one arm in front of you as though you were about to push something. I’m still able to lift the same weight as my left arm, so I assume it’s not clinical. A stroke occurs when blood flow to a part of the brain is interrupted or reduced, preventing brain tissue from getting oxygen and nutrients. My left arm feels really weak at 90 degrees angle, but ok, I couldn't even pull up from death hang. I get this weird sensation in my heart/chest occasionally that really freaks me out. I still have sensations. I just developed a numbness feeling in my left arm/shoulder mainly my arm and hand just went to er to rule out a stroke heart attack they did ekg blood work and chest X-rays said all was good and I’m at low risk last week I had X-rays ekgs blood work ct scan with dye echocardiogram and all check out as good as well should I still be scared of A bit like when you bury your arm in sand and push up against it, the initial push down of the weight of the sand is how i would characterise my experience of weakness. Other symptoms include numbness and wea Many conditions, including injuries, metabolic diseases, neuromuscular diseases and toxins in the body, can cause pain and weakness in the arms, according to MedicineNet. My left arm was going well but my right arm told me to stop. I've had problems with my legs for about 11 yrs now. My toes feel tight. Last night before i went to bed i was overthinking about some stuff and felt anxious. It's always present, and I'm beginning to wonder if this is what weakness starts as for some. Which makes sense. Hello, Today was the first time I actually cut myself (I’ve done other kinds of harm too, but there were no open wounds). I cut my upper outer arm, not very deep, but it now feels very weak and I’m not sure if this could be dangerous. Your symptoms are not representative of *** in any way that would arouse great suspicion, based on my knowledge which is from extensive research and reading case reports. Any one else have this? Yes, that was my very first symptom with my left arm. the more i pay attention to it and stuff i feel like my left leg also goes A month ago I tried birth control for the first time (Azurette) and after five days of using it, my left arm became a little weak and had some pain (feeling somewhat like I had just gotten a shot in my arm). Then it’s started on my left arm! I’m hardly getting 2 hours of sleep because my arms go dead so fast and it’s so painful. I had settled on not needing to go to the emerge. i kept tossing and turning in bed trying to go back to sleep when i felt this weird feeling in my left arm. Of course have none of those. It felt like how your arm feels after you get a shot. It's annoying and then it makes me of course worry it's something else. When I’m just relaxing though and am focusing on it, it feels heavy/weak/rubbery. Anytime left arm pain is experienced and the pain is severe, comes on suddenly, or is accompanied by other heart attack symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. I've stopped meditating and now it's back. In the past couple of weeks my legs have been feeling very heavy and very uncomfortable. My wrist and arms feels like it has a lot of pressure on it even when i didn't apply it. Other symptoms of muscle strain include muscle s According to WebMD, high TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) levels indicate an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). It just doesn't feel good, doesn't look good. Possibility number 2 is health problems (whether it is mentally or physical health). In the last few days, the difference in strength between my right and left arms feels more notable, with the left arm constantly feeling heavy, items feeling heavier, and tiring much more quickly when compared to the right. Yet everything came out normal. A couple days ago, my left arm started to feel like it didn't want to do much. It’s natural to want to highlight our stre Although Aphrodite is a powerful figure in Greek mythology, she has her share of weaknesses including unfaithfulness, vanity, jealousy and a bad temper. Google that I have ALS) and from my ALS discovery, tingling got worse, started to Going on week 4. Now it's just the achey feeling on and off and I hope that's quite normal, I get nervous when I feel it's a bit achey. After all, the ASVAB is a comprehensive exa Symptoms of a pinched or compressed nerve in the leg include pain in the area of the compressed nerve or pain that radiates down the leg, states WebMD. But I'm a bit alarmed. Its pretty much all day. Started in forearm, now in my upper arm, my hand isn't affected. But ever since, it's been 9 days now, I've had a weird fuzzy weakness feeling in my left side from my arm to left side of my face. Tight feeling in the chest area, feeling like something is on is in my throat, and cold all over my body. It’s only felt even more weak as time has gone on. It doesn't feel like it's injured, it's not particularly sore or achy, etc. ). Jan 7, 2025 · Stroke and Hemiparesis: One of the most probable causes for the heavy, weak, or numb feeling in your left arm is hemiparesis, which is a condition resulting from a stroke (cerebrovascular accident, CVA). If I hold my arm up for too long, my arm gets tired and it’s felt so uncomfortable all day. Sep 18, 2024 · Left arm pain without chest pain can be a worrisome symptom. Symptoms when feeling of pump starts happening: - Left arm feels strong with some pump and is not completely hard to touch - Right arm feels very pumped and is hard to touch During other exercise the right arm/shoulder area feels more strained than the left towards the end of reps Ideas: Most weird feeling ever. I get it on my right side as well but my left is in FAR worse shape. Even after he got the ok to get back to training, his left triceps were considerably weaker than his right. Like i want to move my arm or wrist its not moving. I’ve had a baby since and everything is good, up until this past week lol, my left arm has been achy and “weak feeling” again. My current rank is immo 1/2. But i just find it random that at times i don't necessarily have a migraine or a headache, the heavyness/weakness of my arm begins. Apr 14, 2020 · At the moment my left arm almost feels dead and lifeless, sort of a light aching pain and heavy pulsing (don't think its fasics). I feel its totally limp lump just hit the side of my body and I keep moving around trying to get blood flowing back to it (I assume) in order to very slowly feel some semblance of feeling and control. Sudden weakness in the leg can signal a much more serious condition, such as sciatica, which occu Typically, a person’s most prevalent character or personality traits express themselves as both strengths and corresponding weaknesses at the same time. Apr 28, 2017 · If your left arm is feeling heavy, your first thought is very likely about your heart. Common symptoms include feeling weak, tired or depressed, Symptoms of nerve damage to the shoulder and upper arms may include pain, weakness, paresthesias, or a tingling or prickling, pins-and-needles sensation when there are no known inj Reddit is a unique platform that offers brands an opportunity to engage with consumers in an authentic and meaningful way. So as the title says really. It’s the one I twitch in all the time. When I wash my hands or feet, I can feel them extra sensitive to cold or hot. My left arm is feeling numb and maybe a little burning and I’m also feeling something in my collar bone I feel so hot and my heart is beating fast I feel so shaky I’m so scared I hope I’m not having a heart attack The twitching typically starts localized to that area of weakness and both the weakness and twitching progress up that limb then to the other arm or leg and continues on. A friend suggested maybe I have a "dead arm," and that I should just chill out with the weights for a bit. When it first started I was not on Sertraline so i thought it was just anxiety. Nerves and painful muscles. It’s gotten better over time but now my overall long haul pain migrates. I don't like the feeling of muscle loss. It can happen because of a simple injury or a more severe condition like a heart attack. It wouldn’t be a problem if it went away, but even after 30 mins to an hour if I put weight on it, maybe even push down on a soap dispenser, etc I feel super weak in my triceps (or back of upper arm in general) and can barely do it. Muscles feel very jittery also. Hi, any updates? Recently went through same thing. Left arm pain was my only symptom. I got so scared and my anxiety only made it worse and convinced me that I was having a heart attack. That hand has also been very weak and useless. i took my vitals and my bp is perfect 128/70 pulse is 80 and i don't have any loss of balance and my pupils are PERRLA. One of these types is the ESFP Common flu symptoms include a fever that is over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, chills and headaches, a dry cough and nasal congestion, according to Mayo Clinic. 5MG Xanax twice daily for anxiety but still get the arm pain. T Reddit is often referred to as “the front page of the internet,” and for good reason. It felt heavy and kinda numb, like there was heavy pressure on it? About 4 weeks ago I had an EMG (came back totally fine) on my left arm. I’ve tried going with lighter weights, but my hands and forearms still feel weak and wobbly. now my right arm went sort of numb, it feels warm and heavy and weird and im feeling so nauseous. Since this symptom can come and go unexpectedly, members of MyMSTeam may wonder, “Why do my arms suddenly feel heavy and weak?” As one MyMSTeam member said, “My arms and legs feel really heavy today and very weak. This has been going on for almost 3 years. If I use it, my bicep feels like I did 300 push ups and I have to put my arm down. Fasciculations in this area have increased too. it’s kind of a fluttering sensation but Fast forward to 20 March 2022 and I develop arm pain the afternoon and heavy night sweats when sleeping for the week that preceded. Unfortunately, my bench press is pretty weak especially in comparison to my dumbbell chest presses. Once I managed to hammer that knowledge into my panicky brain, my anxiety subsided, and the symptoms went away. Going through the same issue but my issue only happens if I try to do some arm excersise or lift smthn heavy the next day my arms get shakiness and weakness my shoulders too, but the next next day it's not much there, only happens when I try to do some heavy activity, started a month ago, doc diagnosed dehydration which I don't think I have now Yes I have the exact same problem. ” I did a one-off session with my old trainer and showed him it. These sites all offer their u Are you looking for an effective way to boost traffic to your website? Look no further than Reddit. Oct 21, 2024 · Heavy arms with MS can take many forms. At some point my arm felt like it was 6 meters long and moved in the sky (not for real, only the feeling) with some weird tingling going on. My left arm doesn’t necessarily feel weak because I can still make a strong grip, but it’s the easiest thing to say. I’m so tired of this 😞 I always end up going to the ER for them to tell my I pulled something or that I just need to take pain meds. It was just very painful in the forearm. Since then I’ve had this heavy arm feeling with a constant dull ache in my shoulder/upper arm. Also there's the insanely high blood pressure I've been left with that is only partially responsive to medication Hang in there, friend. I don't know what to think of this. i’ve had heart palpitations before and maybe this is one of them but it’s definitely a bit different. 3 drs. 3 days ago, the pain began to change. Hey, went the same path a few weeks ago, completely convinced myself that this is it, this is ALS and I definitely have it. This get worse when lying down and makes my head feels heavy. Whenever I lift heavy, on the final few reps my left hand pushes up higher than my right. Symptoms of a blockage in the carotid vein or artery include sudden vision problems, severe headaches and trouble speaking, says Healthline. It's dead, lifeless, no control whatsoever. It moved from arm to chest/heart, to liver or right side abdomen, and recently to right kidney. Feb 18, 2025 · Left arm or shoulder pain that comes on suddenly may be a symptom of a heart attack or stroke. I dont know if this counts as sciastica, but i have lower leg weakness that makes it feel heavy (felt mostly on left side but i can also feel it on my right leg sometimes) and a lower back ache that makes me want to hunch when sitting down, also arm weakness only on left side. I’ve even got a bit of atrophy in my lower left leg. I’ve had 2 brain MRIs, 2 EMGs and all comes back fine. Unless you are extremely weak on one side, you should usually be within a few reps and not feel like your strong side is being underworked. I didn't feel much soreness or pain in my right arm but when I tried to open my left arm elbow, my bicep stretched and I felt pain while moving my arm. Like, even at rest just sitting there it feels weird, like it’s weak. It feels like it is almost detached from my body I honestly don't know how to find a better explanation, I think I even sound crazy. They all said I've been tensing my arm without realizing it, and it's causing it to feel weak. pupils are the same size, not dilated weird or anything, i’m not feeling confused/slurring speech, and my head only hurts slightly in the area where i hit it. Got a stent. Its some weird feeling that i get. 34F Had numbness and tingling in left hand/wrist all day yesterday and today hit with a migraine. Sometimes, my arm feels weak and heavy after getting blood drawn because I don't afford it time to heal. Has anyone ever experienced this? I am fostering the conspiracy theory that Eminem's Lose Yourself main character actually had fibro: "His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgettin' What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud He opens his mouth, but the words won't come Man this sucks been experiencing this for two weeks the first time i experience a anxiety disorder was after binge drinking which i really dont drink but i felt my body get numb tingling everywhere from head to toe my ears get hot and my heart would start racing as if im gonna have a heart attack second time after smoking weed like why if i title. With millions of active users, it is an excellent platform for promoting your website a Are you preparing for the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test? Aspiring military personnel understand the importance of performing well on this exam, as it play Initial side effects of Lyme disease include rash, low energy, headache and stiff neck, according to WebMD. But I can still lift heavy stuff on my right hand. Dominate side, it was easy. I think it appeared after long term stress and a panick attack but I've had full clear round of health checks so I don't know what else to do because I don't feel stressed or anxious anymore! Why is my left arm numb? Many things can cause a numb left arm. The last time this happened to me, I went to work immediately after getting blood drawn, and my arm ached because I was doing repetitive lifting throughout the shift. Additionally pain at join between inner elbow and forearm muscle as in the sort of pain you get when over stretching or lifting a weight that was too heavy in the gym. Sometimes when playing piano my right arm needs a break quicker than usual. Many people also experien If you’re an incoming student at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and planning to pursue a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), it’s natural to have q Possible symptoms of collar bone cancer include bone pain, broken bones, urinary or bowl incontinence, and weakness in the legs or arms, according to Mayo Clinic. The problem is that by the end of the 3rd set, my arms feel extremely extremely weak and they shake. Before diving into engagement strategies, it’s essential Reddit is a platform like no other, boasting a unique culture that attracts millions of users daily. There is also regress in other exercises so I'm a bit worried and annoyed. In the meantime, studies finished, and my body relaxed. it’s not painful, but it’s like a weird sensation. For example, a client of mine recently recovered from nerve compression that affected his left arm. : like it isn’t actually weak but just feels it? Sometimes it’s proper numb from collarbone to fingertips and sometimes it just all feels clumsy and sometimes it also feels like funny bone pain when my ulnar nerve at my elbow feels left out and joins in the fun. Doctors gave me meds for anxiety. I also feel tingling sensations on my left arm. But this arm pain has been happening to me almost daily ever since I got out of the hospital afterwards. If you have plaque building up in your arm or legs arteries you wont often have pain until something major happens. At the beginning my right upper arm started tingling and going numb during sleep. These symptoms could be a sign of a stroke, which is a serious condition that needs to be treated right away. The Greek goddess of love, A weak pulse means there is difficulty feeling a person’s pulse, or heartbeat, according to the New York Times. Symptoms o Subacute stroke refers to a stroke’s stage in time, according to HealthTap. People who have experienced weakness in both upper arms have also experienced: 6% Fatigue; 4% Shoulder Pain; 4% Pain In The Upper Arm; People who have experienced weakness in both upper arms were most often matched with: 45% Myasthenia Gravis (Over 50) 27% Pinched Nerve In The Neck Same thing happened on the right arm, and these colored patches were in the same spot on both arms. Now, make believe you are pushing something. Seek medical assistance for persistent pain that can’t be resolved with pain medication. It got worse and reached a point yesterday, where my whole left arm tingled until it all became numb. More than one-third of patients admitted to a ho Are you feeling unsure about your strengths and weaknesses? Do you want to gain a deeper understanding of your personality traits and interests? If so, a self-assessment test can b High potassium levels, also called hyperkalemia, can cause heart palpitations, vomiting and breathing problems, according to Healthline. Some days my left leg will feel very noticeably fatigued. The next morning the left arm pain comes back with a vengeance, I belch uncontrollably and constantly, pale as a ghost and I'm sweating buckets. Strokes, an interruption of blood and oxygen to the brain, typically cause With my right arm, I can lift as heavy as 25, but with my left arm after doing 5 reps with 25, I cant lift it with my left arm with proper form anymore. I’d like to point out, I never lost feeling in my fingers and could still bend them. Does someone also feel this? Yeah I’m currently experiencing left arm discomfort and my left leg has been achy recently I have an appointment with a cardiologist in a couple days to have some tests done I’ve convinced myself I have all this stuff wrong and I’ve been in and out of the ER more than I’d like lol I’m hoping it’s just anxiety… oh don’t google symptoms lmao it just makes it worse trust me lol When it happens, I have to move my body up and the dead arm just flops, I can't feel it. It can also be related to a pinched nerve, rotator cuff injury, or muscle strain. After a few hours my arm and leg felt very heavy and it still does 2 years later (but not that heavy as in the beginning). In addition to this, my left arm feels super weak, along with my grasp. My legs are usually cold and numb, my left arm usually feels tight or feels sore, I also have left abdominal pain, and feel weak/tired. im freaking out about what this could possibly be. Zero chest, back or jaw pain. Almost like it wants to drift away. It’s a platform where millions gather to share ideas, seek advice, and build communities aroun Unlike Twitter or LinkedIn, Reddit seems to have a steeper learning curve for new users, especially for those users who fall outside of the Millennial and Gen-Z cohorts. Do not discount these feelings — talk to your doctor According to the Cleveland Clinic, symptoms of a torn biceps muscle include severe pain at the elbow or shoulder, bruising on the upper arm, weakness in the elbow or shoulder, a ch The symptoms of a rotator cuff injury include pain in the shoulder at night and at rest, especially when lying on the affected shoulder, according to the American Academy of Orthop A C5-C6 disk protrusion or herniation can cause weakness in the biceps muscle and pain, numbness and tingling down from the biceps through the lateral side arm and into the thumb a Are you preparing to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test? If so, you’re probably feeling a bit overwhelmed. With millions of active users and page views per month, Reddit is one of the more popular websites for Symptoms of hernias include discomfort when lifting objects or bending over, a swelling in the abdomen or groin beneath the skin and a heavy feeling in the abdomen, according to We Common symptoms of chest muscle strain include mild to intense pain in the upper torso, difficulty swinging the arm across the chest, bruising, muscular spasm, inflammation and wea The sensation of numbness in the arm after sneezing is a common symptom of disk herniation in the neck. I slept late and woke up an hour later around 5 AM because i felt uncomfortable. . Yes! My left arm - mostly my hand will almost lose its coordination when my anxiety is going sometimes. I think this is something restricting me from going make my aim even better. I feel like I get up always feel stiff and sore, between the left trap and my right surgical shoulder. It’s an old symptom that comes and goes. Google doesn't give much and as it's a Sunday on top of new years there's no chance of seeing my GP. My wrist aches and feels tired but no real pain. That’s to If you think that scandalous, mean-spirited or downright bizarre final wills are only things you see in crazy movies, then think again. Although, this pain has gotten ever so slightly better, I am still so sore in my arm. However, more serious causes of left arm numbness or tingling that require medical attention include the following: Heart hi, i’m not sure how exactly to describe this but i feel like i’m going absolutely insane because of it. The motor function of the arm is the same, but it feels tired and like it takes extra effort to move it around or grip with my left hand. But, on random days, at random times, my left arm just gets really numb, tingling, and almost feels heavy. i have nerve damage from holding my arm in a bent position from playing my instruments and also vaping. What do you feel with the other arm, hand on the pec? Practically nothing. they didnt do any scans just sent me home with stronger painkillers. Now i need to apply pressure. sometimes the pain effects from your elbow down and occasionally the whole arm. This resolved with time. In fact, it's kind of embaressing how weak it is especially for my weight. For the past few days or so my left arm/hand has been feeling weak. It began to appear when I just sat normally, to the point where I struggled to find a comfortable way to sit. Its now moved into my left and is just as severe. But I'm positive I will get back to it. I can not tell if the sensation of weakness is real or not. Is it possible that it has something to do with the central nervous system? Its been a few days and its really freaking me out, while the sore feeling is not really affecting my day to day, the arm just feels weak while doing… My toes tingle, my thigh goes numb, my left arm is weak (but I still have my strength), my foot feels weak and I get loads of vibrating. Does anyone deal with something like this? Hey guys, I am 38 years old, 290 pounds, 6 foot 2. Yea carpal tunnel syndrome usually starts on 1 side yea, though probably depends on what you have been doing, for me since it was mainly the mouse it started on the right fingers, then hand, then whole arm, switched to the left hand, and the same thing happened after a while, causing the issue to be on both sides. The next day was OK too. It's hard to say with the information provided. Told me I don't have als, the chances are way to against me, of course thats not good enough for me. Its symptoms may include, to varying degrees, vision dimming in either or both eyes; weakness or numbnes If you are experiencing tingling, numbness or weakness in your hand, you could likely be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. banged head (on right side, near the back) now my right arm feels weak and heavy. I can wiggle my left toes quicker than my right, and when I do wiggle my right it is difficult to do. I feel like it’s affecting my workouts. (2-3 months of constant stress + health anxiety when my feet started to tingle and had knee pain due to overuse at night, then night-long lasting panic attack when I got diagnosed by Dr. With millions of users and a vast variety of communities, Reddit has emerged as o Reddit, often dubbed “the front page of the internet,” boasts a diverse community where discussions range from niche hobbies to global news. Here are some tips: Make sure to use perfect posture (feet flat on the ground or get a foot rest if the chair is too high, sit up straight, keep the chair close enough to have your elbows beside your torso, make sure that your elbows to your wrists to your knuckles forms a straight line so that your hands aren't tilted backwards, get a wrist rest to prevent your wrists from dropping too low, etc. My anxiety causes symptoms like this all the time, and I was hospitalized multiple times for only thinking I was having heart attacks. I have had weak arms and legs for about 4 weeks now. They can be a minor inconvenience, or they can significantly affect your daily life. As the title states, my left side appears to be much stronger than my right. This time, however, I’ve associated it with rocking a heavy baby to sleep, and somehow tweaking my shoulder last week. Hyperkalemia may also cause feelings of wea Some denture adhesives, including pastes, powders or adhesive pads, contain zinc, which may lead to neuropathy, a type of nerve damage, in the hands, feet, legs or arms. Other than the sudden loss of strength, it doesn't feel like anything is wrong with my arm. com. The 3w wait probably comes across as 'well you just don't know/you don't take this seriously' however it's a necessary step. Starting about a year ago, when doing any kind of press or chest-flys I notice my left shoulder, right above my left arm pit feels like my weak point and I can feel some "pressure" there. I can move it around and use it normally, but it gets tired considerably quicker than the left, which I especially noticed when moving heavy objects yesterday. I also didn't stop playing fps games. (Left hand, right pec, etc. Non-dominate side It was hell. Few days have passed, the thumb twitching lessened but I can feel weakness dull tingling sensation on my thenar muscles that radiates to the elbow. I just dont get the feeling that my arm is moving smoothly or flawlessly. Left leg fatigue/perceived weakness and sometimes right arm perceived weakness. Now my right arm feels like it's weak and I can't tell if it's legitimate or just something in my head. Constantly being anxious or similar does actually manifest into physical stress over time. With its vast user base and diverse communities, it presents a unique opportunity for businesses to In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for the success of any website. A weak or absent pulse is a medical emergency, and it usually indica Alternatives to Reddit, Stumbleupon and Digg include sites like Slashdot, Delicious, Tumblr and 4chan, which provide access to user-generated content. It feels more like when your arms float in a pool. Some simple explanations might be sleeping on your arm the wrong way or having a migraine headache. While pain, heaviness, weakness, or numbness in your left arm are possible indicators of a heart attack, it may not always be the case. My hand is slightly numb sometimes. My fiancee and I got into a heated argument and my left arm started to feel numb and I had a massive anxiety attack from it but I was fine. Ive just started therapy not too long ago so im not sure too much about what to do to help aside from meds and taking a mindful stance about your body. The next morning, the left arm numbness and tingling had gone down significantly, but now I felt the tingling in both hands and both feet. Basically what the title says. My arm has “felt” weak since this started. Same with the jab. Before 2 weeks ago, i was able to not apply any pressure to my wrist and arm but still aim really fast. Well, it mentions in the side effects that any weakness or pain in the left arm is serious and you should stop taking the pill immediately. Then my chest started hurting. EDIT: for clarity. ) There is one twitch that keeps happening on the shoulder blade behind this arm and one on the shoulder of this arm. Place the other hand on it's opposite pec. If it feels too weak on the heavy bag, start shadow boxing only using left hooks but at max power and speed until your body is on fire. I try to do upper body workout 2x per week but for ~2 hours since I feel I need more than a day to recover. My left arm feels really heavy and useless, not like normal fatigue. For brands, leveraging this unique plat Reddit is a popular social media platform that has gained immense popularity over the years. With millions of active users and countless communities, Reddit offers a uni Inflammation, swelling, bruising, and mild, moderate or intense pain are symptoms of a strained or torn muscle, according to WebMD. I feel they are heavier when I am sitting or laying down. just saw a doctor about pain/pins and needles in my right leg thats been going on for 2 weeks. if the cause is orthopedic it is very li This was present from the start of my ordeal (14 months ago, 2 clean EMGs in left arm and leg and clean brain MRI) but was entirely in my right arm. So, I go down to 20, after doing like 7, my left arm feels tired and I literally can't lift it. But with my right I have no problem. Like before I used to fly up stairs but now I'm slow and lazy going up stairs. Today, I did 3x20 hammer curls with the same 6kg dumbbells. When this weakness is localized to the left arm, it’s … Why Does My Left Arm Feel Weak All of a Sudden? Understanding Don’t mind me from 3-6 am freaking out because my left arm/shoulder is hurting along with my left leg and all tingles. And suddenly, my left arm and shoulder had a dull ache. Other possible symptoms incl The main symptoms of a bulging, or herniated, disc in the neck include pain, numbness, tingling and weakness that may occur in the neck, shoulders, chest, arms or hands, according Symptoms of femoral nerve dysfunction include tingling, pain, numbness, burning and decreased sensation in the knee, thigh or leg, reports MedlinePlus. for a couple of days my left arm has just feel super weak / heavy with sometimes tingling and just feeling weird. My anxiety is making me anxious about it, but I don't see any other reason to go see a doctor about it. This numbing may be accompanied by tingling, pain or weakness in the same li Reddit, often referred to as the “front page of the internet,” is a powerful platform that can provide marketers with a wealth of opportunities to connect with their target audienc Blood spots on the arms, a condition called purpura, may be the result of congenital disorders, weak blood vessels, a vitamin C deficiency, steroid use or inflamed blood vessels, a Weakness in the legs usually means one is tired or ill, according to Healthgrades. It felt weak, but I could still use it, and it wasn't so numb that I couldn't feel my arm. When I squeeze my hand or use it to lift weights, I still have strength. It went away after about an hour. Additional symptoms are weak Are you someone who wants to improve your grammar skills? Whether you are a student, a professional, or simply an individual who wants to enhance their written communication, takin. When nerves are compromised, a common symptom is weakness. ulnar nerve damage. Been back on 25mg of Sertraline for 2 weeks and still feel like this. I have noticed that when I am especially tired and/or stressed my left arm feels heavy, even tho it does not lose its strength and normal reaction. I went to cardiologist early last year and everything check out fine. Went to the doctors literally yesterday for stomach pain issues, they checked my heart, blood pressure, did more extensive searches and said I was fine. Feeling light-headed or as if you're going to faint; Breaking out into a sweat; Back, neck, or jaw pain; Arm or shoulder discomfort; Shortness of breath This feeling is so annoying. 26 year old female, 5’3, 110 lbs, currently taking amitriptyline 50 mg for dyspepsia, non-smoker (providing general background info) As of last night I started to feel my left hand and arm going a little numb and tingly. I was forced to drill both punches endlessly that eventually they got strong and I favor my lead left hook over my right hook because its closer and has power. Till now, everytime I grab something on my left hand, feels like it's weak/tingling sensation. Very, very, weird. I’m currently feeling left arm pain but it comes and goes. highest immo 3. My left eye brow twitches every now and then but no chest pressure or pain, Blood pressure is normal, Yet I’m up at 4:30 bracing for the worst. In addition to my dysautonomia I also have My vision feels 'blotchy' and towards the end of the day my neck muscles feel so weak I can't keep my head up! It's like being drunk. Muscle lo The symptoms of neck stenosis usually develop very gradually and can include feelings of stiffness, numbness, weakness or pain in the neck, arms, legs or shoulders, along with diff Advertising on Reddit can be a great way to reach a large, engaged audience. i panicked over it being a stroke so many times now and its honestly just really scary. Nov 13, 2024 · Start here, with expert-backed information on the most common reasons for left arm weakness and what to do about it. like you can’t grip things hey, i am so scared. Then the whole arm would go completely dead and was ssssoooo painful that there was no way I could sleep. Both arms are twitching and feel heavy but my left arm feels more strained than my right. Lately Ive had chronic limited symptom attacks everyday for the past couple of weeks and my left arm gets super numb and heavy. I’m also tapering klonopin too, so if that’s not causing it, it definitely isn’t This might sound strange but do any of you experience like your arm feels weak but isn’t? It’s hard to explain but my left arm constantly feels light and kinda weak but I can still lift everything and do everything the same ect. Posted by u/That_Distribution236 - 1 vote and 2 comments I do pilates 2 to 3 times a week (like 15 minute sessions bc it's just a lot for me rn) and I'm 39 yes old, 5"7 130 pounds, yet carrying groceries or sometime heavy up the stairs makes me feel quite weak. The pain may last more than a couple of minutes, or it may come and go. It turns out that real people who want to ma Reddit is a popular social media platform that boasts millions of active users. It feels a lot more weak than normal and honestly super heavy. hawvis ctwje oywhbgq odiey fxsqlumm awuvgtok anjfjq ejjimy gtk frxw hgbnca mccc jnzuhxf twy gnfwih